and correction = 1.0 + (O.G. - 1.050)/0.2 if O.G. is greater than 1.050.
Hidden feature:
One feature in particular which is not readily apparent to the user is the method for entering Malt/Sugar ingredients in less than 1 lb increments. To accomplish this, the space bar is held down while clicking the "+/-" buttons. This will allow the brewer to increment/decrement a measurement by 1 oz. (0.0625 lb.) intervals.
Unfortunately, I decided to set some limits on certain items. These limits are as follows:
# of Grain resources = 50
# of Hop resources = 50
# of Yeast resources = 50
# of recipes per book = 50
Length of names (grain,hop,yeast,recipe) = 30 characters
There are probably a few more... But hey, relax, HAHB.
BrewMeister was written by Frank and Becky Grimaldi (the Hazel Green Homebrew drinkers). This program is free and may be copied and distributed with reckless abandon. Any comments to BrewMeister would be much appreciated and may be E-mailed to: